‘Twas the night before skiing…

…and all through the house not a creature was stirring, except me. I’m still frantically packing it’s 3am!!!!

Actually, I’m nearly done but having trouble finding the final piece of paper to complete my travel insurance requirements should I come unstuck or worse yet stuck. Other than that my passport was where I left it last year, in a nondescript box under the bench, and is safely in my bag. Well with around 6 hours till we fly I might pack the laptop away and wish you all adios until we land in the NZ.

3 Responses to “ ‘Twas the night before skiing… ”

  1. Blair Says:

    Gah! I want to be going skiing too :( Last year was awesome. Curse you university!!

  2. Vikki Says:

    miss you already!

  3. Vikki Says:

    so how’s the snow??

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